About Christopher
Dr. Christopher J. Hall has been a Higher Education Professional for over 20 years. He served as the Interim President of Denmark Technical College, located in Denmark, South Carolina. Previously, he was the Dean of Business and Public Service at Central Carolina Technical College in Sumter, South Carolina. He served as the Academic Program Manager and Instructor for the Criminal Justice Technology Program for a little over thirteen years. In addition to his work at Central Carolina, he serves as a Reserve Deputy with Richland County Sheriff’s Department and is a Sergeant in the Provost Marshal’s Command of the South Carolina State Guard. Prior to teaching for Central Carolina, Hall taught at Denmark Technical College and he previously served as a corrections officer and training resource officer for the South Carolina Department of Corrections.
Hall recently completed a Doctor of Management in Community College Policy and Administration Degree at University of Maryland University College. His dissertation, "Persistence and the Part-time Community College Student: The Forgotten Majority," is a game-changer in higher education. He holds a Master of Public Administration, with a concentration in Criminal Justice from Jacksonville State University, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Administration from the University of South Carolina.
Hall was selected as the 2014 Governor’s Professor of the Year for Two-Year Colleges. A recipient of the 2013 E. C. “Red” Kneece Instructional Excellence Award presented by the Central Carolina Foundation and the 2004 Central Carolina’s Educator of the Year, Hall is a dynamic and outstanding master teacher who continually renews himself and his instruction, materials, and delivery methods to remain current and effective. He uses his extensive knowledge and experience in the criminal justice field to bring current cases to the classroom and forensics lab so that students receive real world application and active learning. He challenges his students to reach increasingly high levels of accomplishment and achievement in the classroom and community. His dedication and hard work has helped his program grow to over 160 students in the 13 years he has been with Central Carolina. In addition, his program boasts annual placement rates close to 90% with students often obtaining employment offers before they graduate.
Dr. Hall is currently conducting additional research on persistence and retention at community colleges, improving student success, community college leadership and administration, and improving the quality of higher education.
Personal Motto:
“If you need help achieving your dreams, stand on my shoulders!”
Hall serves students outside of the classroom through academic advisement, counseling and student activities. He is faculty advisor to the Student Leadership Team and the Men In Motion. He implemented an Officer Cadet Program for students that includes leadership and team-building activities as part of his capstone course. Not long ago, he and his students held a fundraiser for a student who was receiving a multiple organ transplant.
Hall is an innovative user of technology. In his classroom, he provides lively debates on current events and utilizes an interactive board and student response devices to engage and assess students’ learning. As a Certified Online Instructor, he creates and teaches rigorous online courses and instructs and mentors other faculty in the use of technology in teaching and learning. Recently, Hall implemented web conferencing software to teach his students simultaneously in multiple locations in real-time, saving them time and money.
Hall is very active in the community through his church, youth mentoring and sports activities, and fraternal and civic organizations. He has received several awards for his volunteer and public service with law enforcement, sports teams, and community events. When not working, he enjoys recreational and competitive bass fishing, hunting, camping and photography.
Commercial pilot program at Denmark Tech to be ray of hope for area
WJBF News Channel 6 @ 6
DENMARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE INTERIM PRESIDENT, Dr. Christopher J. Hall, an Interview with Mr. Harvey Elwood Jr. July 2017.
Denmark Technical College's new interim president, Dr. Christopher Hall, said he doesn't see himself as just a "placeholder." "As long as I'm here, I'm going to do everything I can to make Denmark Tech the best college it can be," he said.
#DenmarkTech #WeAreDTC #DTC #BeBetter
Burnout is a growing challenge in higher education, impacting both students and professors. This blog explores practical strategies to prevent burnout, from time management and self-care tips for students to fostering supportive learning environments for professors. Discover how collaboration and proactive planning can create a balanced, productive academic experience.