Dr. Christopher J. Hall

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Are You Intentional?


Successful people put intentionality into everything they do. They are intentional with their health, their relationships, their business, their life, and especially their goals. The more intentionality they put into their life, the more successful they become.

Being a successful person is a series of small, intentional daily decisions. That is why being intentional with everything you do is essential to success. In fact, studying success proves that there is a direct relationship between commitment and success. When you are intentional with everything you do, you will be able to be successful.

Successful people are intentional about the decisions they make. They understand that nothing in life is a coincidence and that there is a cause and effect for everything that happens to us. The one thing that successful people do is that they take responsibility for their actions and work hard to achieve their goals. Successful people start with the end in mind, know what they want to accomplish, make decisions accordingly, and take steps daily to achieve them.

Intentional people are often great examples of what it takes to be successful. They set goals, make plans to achieve them, and then take the necessary steps to get there.

Are you Intentional?