How To Stay Motivated During Your College Experience

How To Stay Motivated During Your College Experience

College can be difficult at times, especially if you are a freshman or if you are far away from friends and family. Staying motivated will help you to be successful while you are enrolled in college and also later in life. This article describes some of the things that you can do to stay motivated and focused on getting the best education you can. College is not rocket science unless you are studying to become a rocket scientist! The decisions and choices that you make while in college will have an impact on your life after college. But, everyone makes mistakes. The key is to learn from your makes so that you do not repeat them. Use these tips to stay motivated during your college experience. Remember, this is the "best time" of your life!

Essential Resources for a Restful Night’s Sleep

Essential Resources for a Restful Night’s Sleep

Sleeping poorly can affect your entire day. You may feel exhausted at work, get cranky with your family, or skip out on hobbies and activities because you’re just too tired to participate. It can also affect your mental health and exacerbate issues like depression and anxiety. How can you improve the quality of sleep you get each night? And how can you change your life so that you find it easy to fall asleep at night instead of tossing and turning?

Decisions by Chantelle Branch - Book Review

By Branch, Chantelle
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Chantelle Branch’s book, Decisions, is an emotional roller coaster ride…blindfolded. The reader knows that you are on a ride, but you do not know when or where the twists, turns, and drops are coming.

We follow Branch’s main character, Maci Stevens, through an arduous journey of emotional and physical abuse. 

Maci is a bright, young, beautiful woman from Chicago whom you think never would be caught in the sticky web of domestic abuse. Branch’s Decisions reminds us that that is no “typical victim” when it comes to Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence. Branch’s vivid and detailed descriptions bring each character to life. If you are anything like me, you will find yourself developing relationships with each one of the main characters. There are many times while reading this book that I caught myself talking to or yelling at the characters out loud. Branch weaves in an undercurrent of how each decision a person makes has short and long consequences on their future.

As you read, you will also notice how Branch transforms the culture of the City of Chicago and the culture of its inhabitants into another character. Even though Decisions is fiction, its background is set against actual events that add additional realism to the storyline.

The Cycle of Domestic Violence is an issue that permeates the deepest levels of our society, and Branch takes us through all of the highs and lows of this cycle through the eyes, life, and experiences of Maci. Do NOT buy this book until you ready to be “in your feelings!” When you are ready, Decisions is a “must-read.”  

Buy this book if you are a survivor of domestic violence. Buy this book if you know someone that is a survivor or is in the grasp of domestic violence. Buy this book if you are a professional that works with people in domestically violent situations or if you want to know what it is really like being in a violent relationship from the inside looking out.

The bottom line is that your decision is an easy one…buy Decisions by Chantelle Branch.

Quarantined vs. House Arrest

Today was a gray, blah…! Probably because I spent most of the day inside the house.  It wasn’t until later in the evening that it hit me that there is a distinct difference between being quarantined in this situation and being on house arrest.  The experts are using the word “quarantine” to describe isolating yourself from other people.  I see many people making comments about going “stir crazy” because they have been trapped in the house for X amount of days.  I always want to remind them that, “You can go outside in your yard!”  Unless your neighbors stay less than six feet from you, I see no reason they should avoid going outside. In addition, the sun has many positive health benefits.

But me, I am on house arrest, self-imposed, of course! You see, this time of the year is difficult for me because of our spring snowfall. The yellow stuff covers everything and gets everywhere, including my lungs.  To avoid the inevitable consequences, I “quarantine” myself.